Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2016

November 2016 #gratitudejournal

Happy 2nd Advent everyone! Light up the second candle, grab a cup of tea and enjoy some moments I want to share with you of November. To sum it up it was actually a month full of catch ups with friends and family. I met up with some old school friends (some of them I haven't seen for over a year now I think) so it was lovely to see them again and to talk about the good old times. Then it was also my sister's 23rd birthday which called for a surprise visit hehe. So my dad and I drove up north to the baltic sea to surprise visit her, eat cake and to spend some time at the beach (oh how I love the ocean!!). Speaking of surprise visits, my sister actually surprise visited me too the weekend before her birthday so we had a nice chilled weekend together, went to the movies, an art gallery and of course ate some good food.
Another highlight was also the Bastille concert I went to. They are honestly one of my favorite bands and the show was just amazing - definitely one of my favorite evenings of this month... well actually this year! And since I was already in Berlin for the concert I was also able to spend some quality time with my best friend. Unfortunately time always flies by like crazy when we're together.
Also the opening of the Christmas market and that it feels so chrismassy now is something I love and really enjoy. 
I hope you all had a month filled with many many great moments and I'm sure December will be just as good.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Klingt nach einem schönen November :)
    Die Fotos auf dem letzten Bild sehen irgendwie total cool aus, so oldschool :p

    Fabienne Sophie

  2. Was ein schöner Post. Ich war leider nur ein mal in Berlin, was eine Schande! Ich muss unbedingt noch mal hin. Ja, Quality Time geht immer so schnell vorbei, ich hasse das. Aber alles was man machen kann ist genießen! Und wie ich das wahrnehme, hast du das :)

    Ich reise gerade um die Welt und entdecke Asien.
    Falls euch das interessiert, könnt ihr gerne vorbei schauen :)
