Mittwoch, 17. August 2016

Easy Friendship Bracelet DIY

I love wearing bracelets and especially if they have meaning like when I get them from people that are important to me or when they are self made and someone actually took the time to make it. During the past week making bracelets became my new little hobby and maybe also a little obsession haha
I started trying some easy ones first and the ones you can see in the photos above are super easy and I like how they aren't two thick. I think the tutorial I used explains the technique already perfectly and also very easy so if you would like to also make some for you or your friends then here's the link: Fastest Friendship Bracelet Ever

Nina X

3 Kommentare:

  1. They're super cute, love the idea :)

    What about following each other?

    Caro x

  2. Das Ergebnis ist richtig schön geworden - ich liebe Freundschaftsarmbänder und hatte früher unzählige von ihnen :D
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  3. These bracelets are so cute.
    Think I'm gonna try to do them too.

    Have a nice day,
