Donnerstag, 24. September 2015

Live, Work, Create ◇ Mein Taschenkalender*

Da die Ferienzeit nun offiziell um ist und sich alle Schüler wieder früh am Morgen auf den Weg in die Schule machen dürfen, wollte ich euch passend dazu gern meinen neuen Terminplaner zeigen. Denn mit einem so schönen Kalender macht es sogar richtig Spaß alles ein wenig zu organisieren und das Leben im Überblick zu behalten.
Wenn ihr Lust habt euch auch so einen Kalender zu gestalten oder vielleicht als ein Geschenk für eine gute Freundin, dann setzte ich euch den Link von den Shop mal hier hin: MEIN TASCHENKALENDER
Ich habe mich für den DIN A6 Premium Taschenkalender entschieden und bin super zufrieden damit. Man kann den Kalender ganz nach eigenem Geschmack gestalten und schon das allein hat echt viel Spaß gemacht alles Mögliche auszuprobieren.

Donnerstag, 10. September 2015

Is It Already Autumn?

Hello there! I just felt like typing up some of my thoughts and tell you a bit about what happened the past few days as well as what's gonna happen. So if anyone is interested in that, just keep on reading :)
At first I have to say that I'm much more positive than especially the past two days. It's probably because I skyped with my wonderful Australian au pair family this morning. It has been ages since I last saw them and heard their voices. So that was a special start in the day. I really miss them a lot and I just love the conversations I have with them. And another reason could be that I feel super autumny (if that's even a word) and I love it. There is something about autumn that makes me so happy but I bet a lot of you guys know what I mean. Everything seems just so much more cosy.
And there are also some news about the moving process because we'll get the keys to our little apartment tomorrow and that means that we will be moving in there very soon.
I'm excited about the upcoming journey and to share some moments with you X

Montag, 7. September 2015

Two Breakfast Ideas for Berry Lovers

Der ein oder andere wird diese Liebe für ein leckeres Frühstück bestimmt kennen und sie mit mir teilen. Deshalb möchte ich euch gern zeigen, womit ich gern in den Tag starte.

I guess there are many people who do also love to start their day with a delicious breakfast. So I thought it would be great if I would show you my current favorite breakfast ideas.

Porridge w/ Fruits and Almond Butter

As a base I love to fill my bowl up with some porridge. Afterwards I add some fruits like black berries, a banana and peaches as well as some nuts and almond butter.

Acai Bowl

The acai berry is one of the healthiest berries you will find. I just want to name a few health benefits by saying that acai provides all vital vitamins, is good for your heart health and battles leukemia cells. So you can probably imagine that your body will thank you for this acai bowl. I basically just mixed one banana, 2 cups of strawberries or any kind of berries, 1 cup of rice milk, 1 tbsp of vanilla soy yoghurt, 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of acai powder together and let me tell you... IT'S DELICIOUS!